Growing our own 'timber' in S'pore
Straits Times, 23 August 2006
TALENT resides in the individual, not the machine, so Singapore needs to nurture its own young, restless and driven to start up new enterprises in IT, bio-medical engineering, materials science, education, healthcare, logistics, art and media. Singapore is known for being the easiest place in the world to do business as it is well administered with clear laws and transparent regulations. And we are proud to be the hardest place in the world to fall into corruption because we will not bend the rules and our civil servants cannot be bribed. I am looking forward to Spore's future of our own promising talent. As technology advances, our mindsets also have to chande to strive for the better future.
TALENT resides in the individual, not the machine, so Singapore needs to nurture its own young, restless and driven to start up new enterprises in IT, bio-medical engineering, materials science, education, healthcare, logistics, art and media. Singapore is known for being the easiest place in the world to do business as it is well administered with clear laws and transparent regulations. And we are proud to be the hardest place in the world to fall into corruption because we will not bend the rules and our civil servants cannot be bribed. I am looking forward to Spore's future of our own promising talent. As technology advances, our mindsets also have to chande to strive for the better future.