
"Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to the mountain, 'move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." - Matthew 17:20-21

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

More parents hiring PIs to spy on teens

The Straits Times, 6 Feb

I AM appalled upon hearing that there has been a great increase in hiring PIs! Parents who seek PIs to investigate their children instead of having a heart to heart talk with them shows that they are insincere. Possibly it is because some of these parents are so busy working and often coming home so late that lose communication with their growing teens. Instead of spending more time to understand what they are going through, the parents 'hong' , pacify the teens with high allowance money. I feel that this is giving rise to social problems in Singapore. Although there has been cases where parents are successful in pulling their children back on the right path, it might make the children rebel even more because they feel angry and distrustful of their parents. There could have been a breach of trust between the parents and child. It feels unjustifying that there is no freedom and privacy where ever they go.

I agree that it helps to monitor the children's movements and behaviours especialy if the teen has mixed with the wrong company and clique. However, i personally would not hire a PI to spy on my teen if i feel there is something fishy with my teen. Instead i most likely would approach cousellors or books to read on how to handle my teen and learn to understand what he or she is going through. I feel that sincere care, love and attention showered on the teen can move mountains!


  • At 6:10 PM, Blogger mickeymonkey said…

    I agree with Ria's view that children will rebel even more if they were to find out that their parents had hired PIs to watch them as it sends across a message to the children that there is a lack of trust. In addition, it takes alot of maturity for growing teens to understand their parents' true intention, of being able to ensure their children's well-beings, much as hiring of PIs is not one of the best ideas.



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